Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am in a dream!!!

Well, here I am in my dream hotel. You can go HERE to see this beautiful place! How we came to be here is another story:

We left home this morning at around 8:45am. We traveled north and came to a town nearby. TacCom decided that it would be funny to trick me. He told me we were staying at a semi-nice hotel/resort. We even drove up the driveway to see if we could check in early. (it was about 12:00pm by now) He left the car and went in to the lobby to "talk to the desk clerk". I was in total innocence at this point. To be completely truthful, I was a bit disappointed by his supposed choice of lodging. I mean, it isn't the nicest place and I was REALLY hoping to stay in the above mentioned dream hotel. But I was trying to be nice and accept his choice. After all, it isn't the hotel, but the person you're with that matters, right?
Well, TacCom came out of the hotel and told me that our room wasn't quite ready and we should go have some lunch and come back around 1:oopm. I was agreeable. (as far as he knew!)
So, off to the Ninety-nine for a mediocre lunch. Then we went to check out a few stores. It was getting toward 1:oopm and he suggested we go back to see if the room was ready. I wasn't overly anxious. I said, "How about one more store?" He agreed.
As we were parking in the store's lot, TacCom paused in getting out of the car, turned to me and said, " You know Honey, we aren't actually staying in that hotel....I was just kidding you!"
JUST KIDDING ME?!?! How much longer must I endure the untold secret? I was going crazy and now I wasn't too happy with my husband of 20 years! (Let's just say I gave him the cold shoulder for about a half hour...!!)
He realized, by now, that I had just about had it with the secrets. So, we got back in the car and headed further north. HOORAY!!! He kept pulling out a map he had printed out from mapquest and making sure he was going the right way...and then, miracle of miracles, we pulled in to the most wonderful place I could imagine! Here are a few pictures of our room, and our new pet, Norman:

This evening, we had a very special five course dinner in the dining room of this 100 year old hotel/resort. It was spectacular, to say the least! We dressed up in our best and "wowed" the other guests in the hotel! So much fun! We were seated at a lovely table near the majestic fireplace. It was unforgettable. (and very romantic!) I wore a very special necklace that he gave me just before dinner. It was the perfect piece to go with my little black dress.

That's all for now. Tomorrow is the first day in the next twenty years of our magical marriage....and I can't wait to see what it brings!

p.s. just kidding about the cow...he just posed for a picture of mine....isn't he cute, though?


The Boisverts said...

Hooray! The secret comes to an end! Looks like every once of wondering was worth it!

Enjoy the rest of your stay; hope you have a memorable and romantic 20th with what sounds like a very fun-loving husband!

Unknown said...

I love those pictures! So glad you're having a good time, Mumma. Told you you would! :)

~jenna said...

nice necklace, guess you didn't miss the one karen is wearing this weekend? hehehe!! glad to see and hear that you are enjoying the amazing time you have earned by making it through the 1st 20!!