Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Longest Seven Days in History !!!!

While enroute to the safehouse we were suddenly ambushed. Blindman, TacX and 008 managed to get away, but I was not so fortunate. ELF had found out the location of the safehouse, mapped out the route and set a trap for us. I was taken hostage, blindfolded and moved to an undisclosed location in the Neareasteria mountains. ELF planned on using me as a negotiating chip to stop the peace accord. What he did not realize is that the government had already written me off once, what made him think they would care about me now...

This meant I hadn't much time. ELF and his associates would figure this out soon and then my life would not be worth much. I would need to act soon.... since I could not rely on the others to find me in time [no, the chip was removed from my mouth].

tick, tick, tick.....


Aaron said...

Oh my! How exciting! Bother that annoying ELF! I'm rooting for you, Taccom! I hope you get away with impunity!

I only hope this doesn't turn out to be the longest short time in history... :)

Unknown said...

How on EARTH will you escape? So exciting...

~jenna said...

the plot thickens

Susan Elizabeth said...

Don't let it get too thick...I will need TacCom to come home soon to help me with my yard work and flower buying....