Thursday, February 22, 2007

Reunited... on the run.

Once on the main road, we continued to the rendevous point. We chose a public place to avoid being ambushed or overtly watched. The Jefferson Memorial served this purpose. The majesty of once again being in the heart of DC made me remember the old days as I waited for my rescuers to arrive. Blindman and I had a few moments to rethink our plans.
At the steps facing the water, we watched as two figures approached. One I knew by the gait, TacX and the other had a familiar look, but I could not place the face... middle-eastern ? We exchanged pleasantries, I gave TacX a bear hug and the second figure's Identity was revealed...
Al Jambu Who.. or code name: 008. He was a third generation Baggai Royal Guardsman and TacX told me he was the Prince's personal bodyguard, sent to assist.
Well, the story unfolded as we sat and listened. TacX explained how ELF, working as double agent for the insurgency, was prompting the overthrow of the royal prince. ELF was there when the rescue mission was launched,but managed to escape and returned to Washington... waiting for his chance to capture me and Blindman, plant a conspiracy theory on me and use Blindman to forward his treasonous plot.
TacX had done his homework. Prior to the rescue, he had assembled a safehouse on the outskirts of DC. There he had compiled as much information about ELF and any co-conspirators as he could; remembering that he had already been disavowed. TacX had uncovered more of the plot, that pointed to an attempt on derailing the peace accord that was going to be signed between the US and Nearreastchia [a province of mother Russia, separated after the Soviet breakdown]. This peace accord was in both the interests of Baggai and the US, but certain terror groups and state sponsored terrorists did not want the accord to go forward. Nearreastia held a secret cache of nuclear weapons, long thought to be buried destroyed and buried in the Ecky Mountains. ELF and his mercenary associates had made a deal in the tens of billions to the terror groups to retrieve and sell the nuclear weapons.
ELF knew that if the US signed the peace accord with Nearreastchia, he would never be able to retrieve the weapons out of that country.
TacX and 008 knew that ELF was planning a high profile assassination, but the target was not known. It appeared that was our mission: to stay out of the hands of the CIA, discover the target and stop ELFs plan before it was too late.

With only 7 days until the signing of the treaty.... there was no time to waste.....


Aaron said...

Oooooooooohhh... the goosebumps of anticipation! Seven days? How can I wait!!!?!?!? :)

~jenna said...

now it really begins......
(yeah for more story)

Unknown said...

Very exciting!!! (And very, very, very funny; I love all of the little inside jokes you sneaked in) :D

Unknown said...

Um...we're kind of, you know, like, waiting in breathless, exciting anticipation here!

Unknown said...

It's been way more than seven days, so the treaty must be signed already...I guess all hope is lost. Oh well!