Friday, January 05, 2007

The disavowed....

Well, things at Langley did not go as planned. The government believed I had given up information about the secret weapon... Blindman. After the debriefing I was placed in the same 'room' as Blindman [actually a cell] until they could figure out what to do with us.
We realized that things were not going our way and decided we needed to get out on our own and search for whoever was giving up the information to the enemy.
As fate would have it, the GPS in my tooth had not been removed yet. I managed to reconfigure the electronic transmitting module thing-a-ma-jiggy to send a message. I needed to contact someone who knows how to get in and out of Langely unnoticed, believed me, and had an ax to grind with the government.....
About two days later, at about 1100 hours, the fire alarm went off........


Anonymous said...

i can't wait for the next instalment, ahhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

So thrilling! What gave the government reason to believe you had given up information? Was the enemy making moves that showed they knew more about Blindman, even though you hadn't told them anything? I wonder who the mole is...

Anonymous said...

If you need a safe-house...we are available....I make a mean "hot pocket"...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm in on this one. Still don't get the hot pockets thing, but fire alarms at Langley? HAHAHAHAHA!

Let me guess: there's this big white room at the entrance to your cell that is fitted with every manner of sensor, be it temp, pressure, or sound. Only the warden has the key to enter the room and shut down security. Fortunately, you have a lovely lady in an out-dated suit on the inside, and she can stick something in the warden's coffee to make him sick. This, unfortunately, doesn't solve the problem of your getting out, but it does assure you privacy in your attempt.

Am I giving too much away? I'd probably better stop now. It's getting late, and anyway, I may not even be right! You can continue it from here or start over as you please.

(Obviously. It's your blog after all.)


Anonymous said...

P.s. I'd offer you my services as Songman, but Songman does very little good in a sound-detecting room...

TacCom said...

Received information from the notes at the drop point. I request more information regarding the change to the new blogger. Is this a preference on your part or necessity ??

TacCom out...

Anonymous said...

Preference, simply because it's a hassle if you change it AFTER I've added your blog to my list. If you much prefer the old blogger, then by all means keep it, as long as you don't PLAN on changing soon. If your answer is "Yes, but I don't want to upgrade," then, just leave a comment saying "The goods are tainted." Or something like that. :)

TacCom said...

Message received. "The goods are tainted"

TacCom out...

Anonymous said...

Mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

...and we're waiting...*snore*...