Friday, August 25, 2006


Getting ready to take the VIP family on a Bacation ['vacation' to anyone over 4 years old]. We are going deep, deep, deep undercover in the north country to stay hidden in the WPP [Witness Protection Program] pending the trial and see some Moose.

We will have comms silence until Thursday @ 1800 hours. Standard OpSec applies. Use of a SCPH [Secure Phone ie - Encrypted Satellite Hook-up].


Unknown said...

Bacation? (said with a raised eyebrow). Who are you, TacCom? You're scaring us with your comments....will you at least give us a hint?

Aaron said...

You forget, TacCom, that it was not Cheech himself that would sell the formula. Unless you're with the US goverment, it is I, the evil brother, who will do the bartering.

I never barter with anyone unless I know who they are. But I have gathered this much info on you:

ISP: Verizon
Browser: IE 6.0
Screen res.: 800x600, 16bit
Location: USA
Birth year: 1966 (+/-1)
State: NH

This tells me enough to know I can trust you. (At LEAST you don't use a Mac!) But I will not proceed until I receive verification or correction of the facts. Deal?

TacCom said...

Yes, what you have uncovered is true, but remember that the state may only be the bacation site and not my true HQ [headquarters]. I am a red-blooded American soldier.

Let's be clear about two things:
First, you did not use the code word AND
Second, WE [the government, with an 'n' after the 'r'] do not barter with evil brothers [terrorist entities].

The time frame still stands; noon tomorrow or the deal is off....

TacCom awaits...

Cheech said...

Ha! I have discovered the evil plot!!!
Watch your backs.....

Cheech said...

Oh wait....I just read your comment, TacCom! Way to stand up for the underdog! WE-NO-C-UMM!! The deal is on with the wonderful, fabulous brother! Except...I don't have three foreign bank accounts,and I don't plan to open some until I have $7 billion in the first place. How does TD Banknorth sound?

TacCom said...

Cheech.. In order for this deal to work you need to do a couple of things:

1] Do not refer to yourself as the fabulous wonderful brother. This could be viewed as a ploy to turn the tide in the wrong direction.

2] The bank accounts were for your safety, but if you wish to have the money wired to a known bank inside the CONUS [Continental United States]that is up to you.

As it stands now, WE will deal with you, but you are in danger from your brother. If you must use your potion, ensure that there is enough left for the deal. WE want the amount agreed upon.

ALERT: This means of comms is unsecure.


TacCom out...

Cheech said...

I read your message loud and clear,TacCom!