Sunday, November 25, 2007

Jesus, the holiday season and Christmas

I am constantly reminded of the fact that we have a holiday season to celebrate [in the first place] because of the greatest gift this world ever received. The baby Jesus in the manger... what unfolded from that birth foward cannot be undone, ignored or forgotten.. ever.
My beloved has reminded me recently that we [father and mother] must fight to ensure that our children know and remember always why we celebrate Christmas, Easter and all that happened inbetween those two milestones AND how very important it is to not let a day go by without reinforcing that message, dedication, mercy and love.
It is perhaps this season every year when I begin to realize that while I may start to feel 'comfortable' in my life or walk [ that is selfishness], I am always wondering if I can be more for Christ and my wife, children, and country [MUST be in that order... another very difficult thing to do]. My true position is to NEVER get comfortable, but to always search, re-evaluate and grow. Without growing, I become complacent and complacency leads to nothing but trouble.
As TacCom... in my line of work... I know the same holds true. I cannot afford to get complacent or let my fellow workers do the same and I have given blood, sweat and tears to live up to that throughout my career.

My walk and my devotion to HIM needs to be the same, because he did it ALL for me.