Friday, January 19, 2007

New Enemies and Old Friends....

The fire alarm sounded...... and the place burned to the ground.... THE END !!!!

Just kidding,

The cell went dark, the fire alarms were blaring, but somehow, within minutes I heard someone calling my name. There, coming through the dark was a light. What tipped me off that it may be a 'covert' was that the light was RED instead of your standard 'flashlight white' [SPEC OPS note: red lights are used in the dark instead of white lights because it saves your night vision and is harder for the enemy to see from a distance].
Blindman and I waited patiently for the voice to come closer. We heard a lot of loud yelling and orders back n' forth among the Virginia Farm Boys [CIA]. Then those voices lingered, moving on, thinking we were locked up and could not go anywhere. But the familiar voice got closer. Two figures appeared in the slightly lit background of the emergency exit lighting down the hall. Then a familiar friendly voice called out 'TacMan' ?? [My nickname from the 'good ole days']. The figures were clothed in firefighting gear that included the standard issue Scotts AV-4000 SCBA [Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus]. It appeared that the plastic shield of the mask was almost a two way mirror, hiding the identity of the wearers.

The voice gave one of them away. It was TacX [code name; due to the sensitivity of his prior missions, and his 'disavowment' with SPEC OPS, his real name cannot be revealed]. Advising Blindman that they were 'friendlies', he acknowledged and suddenly the 'cell' door was open.

The plan was that once we were free from the cell, the two 'friends' would continue with their cover mission [firefighters called to the Langley building for the 'smoke in the building'], and we would escape using Blindman's power, and meet at the pre-determined rally point. So far, so good.....

But as we made our way out, I passed a computer screen in the interrogation room. On the screen was an outline of orders on how to proceed with the interrogation on us. The reason of the interrogation was clear[co-conspirators against the US government directly from the office of counter intelligence], but of particular notice was the 'senders' code name: 'ELF'.

This name rang in my mind. I paused in disbelief. But continued moving to the exit. We made it to the outside, stole the nearest POV [Personal Off-duty Vehicle] and made our way to the rally point. Blindman could sense the tension in my silence... he asked what I saw and I simply stated 'We cannot trust anyone. The name on the order for our interrogation and detention is from ELF or Ex-Likeable Friend'.

I stayed silent for the entire ride, only pondering to myself why and how this old friend, turned enemy, turned Chief Counter Intelligence Officer, could still be alive.....

The game is afoot......

TacCom out....

Friday, January 05, 2007

The disavowed....

Well, things at Langley did not go as planned. The government believed I had given up information about the secret weapon... Blindman. After the debriefing I was placed in the same 'room' as Blindman [actually a cell] until they could figure out what to do with us.
We realized that things were not going our way and decided we needed to get out on our own and search for whoever was giving up the information to the enemy.
As fate would have it, the GPS in my tooth had not been removed yet. I managed to reconfigure the electronic transmitting module thing-a-ma-jiggy to send a message. I needed to contact someone who knows how to get in and out of Langely unnoticed, believed me, and had an ax to grind with the government.....
About two days later, at about 1100 hours, the fire alarm went off........