Friday, December 22, 2006

Back from the brink.....

Since the last mission, things went awry. After the blackhawk took off from the LZ with the crown prince and rest of the spec ops unit, I was surrounded by the enemy; the same terrorist faction trying to cause a coup and responsible for the attempted kidnapping of the crown prince. I spent several months languishing in a POW camp. Much like my counterpart, Jack Bauer, I was tortured in an attempt to give up intelligence on the latest superhero, BLINDMAN. Lucky for me I knew nothing about him, except that he is a product of the second potion experiment.
The government did not forget about me. My GPS tracking filling in my mouth pinpointed my location by satellite. It took months to track it because every time they cranked up the microwave across the hall from my cell, the transmission broke [and they sure liked their 'hot pockets !!!' sung].
The only one who could get in to break me from the prison was BLINDMAN himself. His secret power, when he covers his eyes, NO ONE CAN SEE HIM. He can also cover my eyes and the same power is transferred to me. It made for interesting flying when we stole a MIG from the terrorist encampment.
We made it back to Langley and I am currently being debriefed. The psychiatrist says there is no permanent damage. The worst part of the ordeal was the radiation I absorbed from the transmitter in my mouth and the unfulilled desire for HOT POCKETS [sung].

Merry Christmas.....

TacCom out....

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Eternal Vigilance: the mission never ends...

The government, specifically the Special Operations Unit, is extremely pleased with the results gained from your last potion. We even labelled it 'CP1' [Cheech Potion One]. Commanders in the field have reported great gains in the GWOT thanks to the potion. Although, the price was pretty high. Next time we will be asking to shop at 'Family Dollar' instead of 'Gucci'.

Keep up the good work... and remember.. our operatives need to keep the edge over the bad guys.

TacCom out....

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mission accomplished...

The potion has been obtained and delivered to the proper authorities within the government special operations division. The latest word is that it is being deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Timbuktu. The mission went off without a hitch, with the single exception of an early delivery of the 'directions envelope'. But that was due to an inexperienced operativess [female, no comment]. Training and experience will help. Thankfully the rest of the unit improvised.

Until the next phase....

TacCom out.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

The drop..

Since the deadline passed, I can only assume that you are keeping OpSec and watching your comms. That is good news. WE are flying into the New Boston Air Force Station sometime overnight to an undisclosed LZ [landing zone] in a prototype stealth BlackHawk. We have decided that the public event taking place there @ 1030 hours in the form of a Church picnic is the best cover for the DROP. The security provided by the base will compliment our own operatives.
It is time to unveil the members who will be at the DROP: TacCom [me], a German Special Ops GSG-9 counter-sniper [high ground cover/ surveillance], and an MI5 British undercover intelligence officer.
There will be one added operative, but SHE is not privy to the overall situation. SHE will only be passing along information to you directly. I would not waste time trying to extract information from her, again, she knows nothing.
WE will have an envelope containing the wired transfer confirmation # in your name for the amount of $758,220,700,000.00. Cash would be too obvious and too much to carry [you would need a BIG wheelbarrow].
The contact person will find you @ 1230 hours..... The rest of the instructions will be provided.

Please respond with a WE-NO-C-UMM as confirmation that you agree to these terms.

Remember, WE are watching

TacCom out...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Black Ops Deal in the making

If this deal goes through it could change the balance of the world powers and the GWOT [Global War on Terrorism].

The formula for invisible-ness will allow military and government operatives to gain access to secret, well-secured sites and follow the direct orders of POTUS [President of the United States]. Assassinations may also be in the mix; We cannot confirm nor deny if that order exists.

Of course, If my identity is discovered and the NOC [Non-Official Coverts] list gets out in the open.... I will be the hunted instead of the hunter or the Gazelle instead of the LION.

TacCom out...


Getting ready to take the VIP family on a Bacation ['vacation' to anyone over 4 years old]. We are going deep, deep, deep undercover in the north country to stay hidden in the WPP [Witness Protection Program] pending the trial and see some Moose.

We will have comms silence until Thursday @ 1800 hours. Standard OpSec applies. Use of a SCPH [Secure Phone ie - Encrypted Satellite Hook-up].